IG Post: Finding Our Confidence
Finding our confidence is incredibly important to feeling good about ourselves.
People Pleasing and Parenthood
This is a great post for those of us that have been and are currently people-pleasers. I wanted to look at this from the POV as a parent and how we can engage in people-pleasing behaviors with our children.
2023: You Are Ready To Soar
So here we are, the first week of a brand new year. It’s refreshing, a new year, giving each of us, including you, an opportunity to give yourself a new starting point. We hear a lot about goal setting and vision boards and resolutions and then inevitably somebody like me comes along and tells you that you don’t need all of those things blah blah blah.
Men and Emotion
As men, how do we get ourselves to a place that allows us to fully admit we need help? Many times us guys struggle to realize our own emotions. Some of us have been programmed to eat our emotions because they don’t matter, some of us have been programmed to show only one emotion, typically anger and still others don’t even know that we have emotions.
Adult Children of Alcoholics and How It Changed My Life
Once I found Adult Children of Alcoholics I started to gain a sense of self and discover who I really am. This is the beginning of a video series I’m doing on ACOA and having a realistic and open discussion about it’s benefits.
MvM Podcast Ep 6: Toxic Masculinity
Toxic masculinity is something we hear about all the time but what is it? In this episode we're joined by a woman, Genevieve, to discuss what it is, how it impacts each of our lives and how we can work to make the world a more positive place.
Podcast Ep 5: Social Dynamics, Race and Mental Health
We all come from different backgrounds, have different experiences and look at life through a different lens. In this show Gary, a new member of the ManVsMood team, tells us the struggles he’s had with mental health.
MvM Podcast Ep 4: Mental Health and Business
ManVsMood Podcast Episode 4: Mental Health and Business
Mental health is important and when it comes to business, of any type, it’s always top of mind.
ManvsMood Ep 3: Positive Steps
Episode 3 of ManvsMood finds Mike and Will breaking down positive steps men can take to engage with their own mental health. They also talk about group therapy and men's willingness, or lack of, to open up to others, especially if they aren't familiar with them.
ManVsMood Podcast Ep1
First episode of The ManVsMood Podcast is an introduction to our view on men’s mental health in 2021. Join us for discussions on mental health from the point of view of two guys that have struggled their entire lives with mental health issues.