People Pleasing and Parenthood
This is a great post for those of us that have been and are currently people-pleasers. I wanted to look at this from the POV as a parent and how we can engage in people-pleasing behaviors with our children.
Instagram Stories 2/26 and 2/27: Discipline, Indulgence and Boundaries
When we use discipline to bring balance to our lives it leads to more happiness than indulging all of our desires.
2023: You Are Ready To Soar
So here we are, the first week of a brand new year. It’s refreshing, a new year, giving each of us, including you, an opportunity to give yourself a new starting point. We hear a lot about goal setting and vision boards and resolutions and then inevitably somebody like me comes along and tells you that you don’t need all of those things blah blah blah.
Five Things I’d Never Tell a Person Trying to Lose Weight
Losing weight, weight loss, dieting, and any other eleventy million words, acronyms, or cliches we use to describe dropping pounds can bring anxiety to many of us that have battled weight challenges in our life. Until you’ve looked in the mirror and felt rage, anger, shame, disgust, embarrassment, and sadness at the reflection staring back at you, then you’re probably not qualified to give us an opinion we likely don’t want anyways.
Failure: Our Common Bond
Failure is something I have an intimate relationship with; hell I’d say the thing I’m most successful at is failure. That isn’t necessarily a good thing, because, like many relationships, my love of failure isn’t always healthy. How is your relationship with failure?