Instagram Stories
Every night I post a message to my Instagram Story. I also have people that stalk me around the internet and actively try to ruin my life. They’ll never win though because good things don’t happen to terrible people.
Hate Thy Neighbor: Commissions Rule Everything Around Me
How Dawn Beaudoin of Realty One Group Cascadia got me fired from Evergreen Home Loans to make a commission. Tyler McMahon sat back because he cares more about commissions than his employees.
Camas: Facing the Homelessness Problem
Homelessness is an issue that can affect every single one of us in some form or fashion in 2022. Homelessness has become a very hot-button issue for governments and citizens alike as both seek to find some sort of solution to a problem that continues to fester in society.
Adult Bullies
As adults though, bullying can be substantially different than dealing with a kid on the playground taunting us or making fun of our shoes. Adult bullying can have profound impacts on our mental health, especially if it’s from a loved one or someone we believed we could trust. I think many of us look at bullying like I described above but obviously it’s much, much different as an adult because our interactions with others are quite a bit different than as a kid. How bullying manifests itself in adulthood can look many different ways, especially with the advent of social media and cyberbullying.
Adult Children of Alcoholics and How It Changed My Life
Once I found Adult Children of Alcoholics I started to gain a sense of self and discover who I really am. This is the beginning of a video series I’m doing on ACOA and having a realistic and open discussion about it’s benefits.
ManVsMood Podcasts 19, 21 & 22
Here are the links for the most recent ManVsMood podcasts 19, 21 and 22.
MvM Podcast Ep 20: Olympian Kelsey Campbell
Olympic Wrestler Kelsey Campbell joins ManVsMood for an discussion on all things mental health and what the future holds for her.
ManVsMood Podcasts 15, 16, 17, 18
Social media has had a great, albeit overall negative, impact on society. We can't deny how the landscape of the internet and "irl" has changed over the last 10-15 years with the proliferation of social media platforms.
ManVsMood Ep 14: Point of Disgust
ManVsMood Podcast Ep 14: Point of Disgust
What is the point of disgust you ask? Well, the point of disgust is that moment when you decide to confront your struggles and find positive ways to help begin the process of overcoming them.
ManVsMood Ep 10: Holiday Stress
ManVsMood is a mental health podcast focused men and the problems they encounter.
Podcast Ep 5: Social Dynamics, Race and Mental Health
We all come from different backgrounds, have different experiences and look at life through a different lens. In this show Gary, a new member of the ManVsMood team, tells us the struggles he’s had with mental health.
MvM Podcast Ep 4: Mental Health and Business
ManVsMood Podcast Episode 4: Mental Health and Business
Mental health is important and when it comes to business, of any type, it’s always top of mind.
ManvsMood Ep 3: Positive Steps
Episode 3 of ManvsMood finds Mike and Will breaking down positive steps men can take to engage with their own mental health. They also talk about group therapy and men's willingness, or lack of, to open up to others, especially if they aren't familiar with them.
ManVsMood Podcast 2: How Many Men Are Depressed?
Mike and Will continue to delve into what mental health looks like for us and other men. We discuss what the numbers look like for men and depression and suicide.
ManVsMood Podcast Ep1
First episode of The ManVsMood Podcast is an introduction to our view on men’s mental health in 2021. Join us for discussions on mental health from the point of view of two guys that have struggled their entire lives with mental health issues.