ManvsMood Ep 3: Positive Steps

Episode 3 of ManvsMood finds Mike and Will breaking down positive steps men can take to engage with their own mental health. They also talk about group therapy and men's willingness, or lack of, to open up to others, especially if they aren't familiar with them.

We also wanted to share some of the things we use to deal with stress, depression, etc. Here’s a list of some of our tactics and what professionals say are positive steps to deal with mental health struggles.

Positive Steps For Mental Health

Set goals-this one is pretty self evident. It doesn’t have to be anything major. Start by setting a simple goal, accomplish the goal and continue.

Support-a huge part of our life and the happiness we get from it is in the form of the support system we have around us. Without a strong support system it’s very hard to keep our bearings and stay on a positive path.

Health-the health of our brain needs the health of our body in order to work in harmony. That doesn’t mean you need to run marathons or bench press 400 pounds but it does mean that you’ve got to make good decisions about your health. Moderation is the key to setting yourself up for success in the long term. As someone who’s lost over 200 pounds, I can tell you that it’s not easy but it does make your life much better to be engaged with your physical health.

Positive reinforcement-we all talk to ourselves so do your best to make those discussions positive. Even when you’ve done something wrong, you can find the failure and create a positive response. This also means seeking relationships that are positive and setting boundaries that are good for you and the other person.

Interact-whether you’re an extrovert or introvert or somewhere in between, interactions with other humans is vital to your mental health. Our brains love connection with people.

Count you blessings-I know, this is on signs you buy at Home Goods but it’s true. Each of us has something positive in our lives so try to take stock of these things each and every day.

Learn-this one speaks for itself. A mind that is expanding with knowledge is a mind that will do great things.

Avoid social media-again, this speaks for itself. Social media is designed to encourage engagement via enragement. This is NOT good for our mental health.

Help others-this is very important for all of us. But, we’ve got to be very aware of boundaries. I know one of my biggest issues I've dealt with on my mental health journey is being a “people-pleaser”. This creates a lot problems for us so be aware.

These are a few things Mike and I do to help in our mental health journey. We’d love to hear from you about the positive things that work for you. Find us on social media and let us know.

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Mental Health Podcast

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Facing Challenges Never Stops


ManVsMood Podcast 2: How Many Men Are Depressed?