Health, Mental health I.Am.Will Health, Mental health I.Am.Will

Five Things I’d Never Tell a Person Trying to Lose Weight

Losing weight, weight loss, dieting, and any other eleventy million words, acronyms, or cliches we use to describe dropping pounds can bring anxiety to many of us that have battled weight challenges in our life. Until you’ve looked in the mirror and felt rage, anger, shame, disgust, embarrassment, and sadness at the reflection staring back at you, then you’re probably not qualified to give us an opinion we likely don’t want anyways.

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Mental Health I.Am.Will Mental Health I.Am.Will

ManvsMood Ep 3: Positive Steps

Episode 3 of ManvsMood finds Mike and Will breaking down positive steps men can take to engage with their own mental health. They also talk about group therapy and men's willingness, or lack of, to open up to others, especially if they aren't familiar with them.

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