Man Vs Mood

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ManVsMood Podcast Ep 13: Healing Wounds

Healing wounds from the past is a huge part of overcoming mental health struggles. In this episode we break down what it feels like to heal wounds from the past using what we’ve learned in our mental health journey.

One thing I’ve recently discovered (this is Will writing) as I’ve opened up and dealt with my mental health struggles is how I have viewed the challenges presented to me. I’ve written about overcoming challenges before (click here for that blog post) and I thought about how that felt. Throughout my life, each struggle, season of adversity or outright trauma, is like a board a martial artist is going to break through to show his or her strength. I’ve stacked board upon board as these events have unfolded and been able to chop through with relative ease. As I’ve aged though, the boards keep getting higher (and stronger) but my strength to bust through them has waned. I tried as hard as I could to break the boards with pure will and determination for many years, but it wasn’t until I began to understand my mental health challenges that I finally realized that I’ve got to work on the underlying issues in order to strengthen my mental chop.

Now that I’m putting tools I’ve never had in my mental tool belt, those boards are much easier to deal with, and really, the boards are beginning to feel like sticks. This is a journey though, one that never ends so long as I’m drawing a breath. I know the boards will never stop trying to stack themselves against me yet I take great solace knowing that with the hard work and vulnerability involved in dealing with my mental health, I can handle whatever life tries to stack against me.

Check out episode 13 and here Gary, Mike and Will discuss how they’ve healed from their wounds.

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