Man Vs Mood

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A Quest

Walking the Greenway path in the dark is something I quite enjoy. The sounds are always entertaining and there's just something different about the river in the dark, especially when the water is up. It's good for us to hear and see nature on a very regular basis. I don't think I'm making that up, I'm pretty sure someone has done research on it, but don't quote me on that.

I know we all hear about getting outside more, away from the couch and screens. And it's all true, I'm just reminding myself and you.

I'm fairly certain l've talked about pettiness and that I sometimes, on a rare occasion, will be petty af. I'm working on one of those occasions right now. As l've mentioned before, I have a number of border line stalkers that follow me around the internet.

These are people that consume likely a large portion, if not all, of my content. These people do not like me and are basically obsessed with the fact that I may drop a large metaphorical incendiary device that could cause a substantial problem for them. Make no mistake, they've caused me tremendous pain and suffering in the past. They damn near broke me and honestly, in some ways they did. I have come to terms with that. I have also come to terms with the fact that I never ever want anyone to endure that kind of agony so if I can shine light, I will.

Back to the pettiness. These folks scour everything | write to, I can only imagine, find anything I may have buried in my posts about them. So l'm going to send them on a quest, a treasure hunt if you will, for the posts I'm writing about them. They're going to have to read about more positivity, more uplifting stories, more accountability, more positive self-discipline, more self reflection and more empathy than they could imagine. Yes, I will include my story that will feature some of the worst people I've ever known. It's cathartic for me to write; hopefully you will find value in it and I'll give the haters something to do. Here's to constructive pettiness!